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Antonia Albano


Antonia Albano – has facilitated workshops & seminars in expanding human consciousness since 1991. She is the founder of the World Love Project™…

Antonia Albano – has facilitated workshops & seminars in expanding human consciousness since 1991. She is the founder of the World Love ProjectTM, the annual Celebration of Love & the Healing Resonance CouncilTM Antonia was co-founder & Director of the California Institute for Mind-Body Awareness near San Francisco where she had a private practice as an Integrative Therapist, Transformation Coach & Spiritual Mentor. From 2004 to present she has brought forth the new living geometric technology systems called the Geometries of Love…the Unified Field System of LOVE for this new millennium. In addition, to assist us in our Human.Love Evolution, Antonia has been guided to a ‘high tech’ designed energy system suitable for the Next Octave of Human. Antonia resides in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. antoniaalbano2020@gmail.com

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